lonely的 *** 意思是什么,lonely用法详解

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1. lonely的基本意思是“孤独的”,通常用来形容一个人的情感状态。例如

- She felt lonely after her husband died. 她的丈夫去世后,她感到孤独。

- The child looked lonely sitting by himself in the playground. 孩子独自坐在游乐场上,看上去很孤独。

2. lonely还可以用来形容一个地方的环境,表示荒凉、寂静、无人烟等。例如

- The lonely road stretched out before us, with no houses in sight. 前方是一条荒凉的道路,看不到任何房屋。

- The old man lived in a lonely cabin in the woods. 老人住在森林里的一座荒凉的小屋里。

3. lonely还可以用来形容物品的状态,表示独立、孤独、单调等。例如

- The lonely book sat on the shelf, untouched for years. 这本孤零零的书已经放在书架上几年了,没有人碰过。

- The lonely tree stood in the middle of the field, its branches reaching up to the sky. 孤独的树矗立在田野中央,枝叶伸向天空。

1. lonely可以作为副词,表示独自、孤独地。例如

- She walked lonely along the beach, lost in thought. 她独自沿着海滩走着,陷入了沉思。

- The old man sat lonely in his rocking chair, gazing out the window. 老人独自坐在摇椅上,凝望着窗外。

2. lonely还可以作为副词,表示寂静、无人烟。例如

- The town was lonely at night, with no one on the streets. 晚上这座城镇很冷清,街上一个人也没有。

- The forest was lonely and quiet, with only the sound of birds in the air. 森林里寂静无声,只有空气中传来鸟儿的声音。

1. lonely可以作为名词,表示孤独、寂寞的状态。例如

- He suffered from loneliness after his wife left him. 他的妻子离开他后,他感到孤独。

- The dog's constant barking was a sign of its loneliness. 狗不停地吠叫,这是它孤独的表现。

2. lonely还可以作为名词,表示独立、单独的事物。例如

- The lonely house on the hill was a mystery to the locals. 山上那座独立的房子是当地人的一个谜。

- The lonely boat sailed across the ocean, its only passenger lost in thought. 孤独的小船在海洋上漂荡,的乘客陷入了沉思。

1. lonely可以作为动词,表示使孤独、使寂寞。例如

- The death of her husband lonelyed her for years. 丈夫去世后,她孤独了好几年。

- The dog was lonelyed when its owner went away on vacation. 狗主人去度假时,它感到孤独。

2. lonely还可以作为动词,表示单独、独立。例如

- The house lonelyed on the hill, with no other buildings nearby. 房子独自矗立在山上,周围没有其他建筑物。

- The boat lonelyed across the ocean, its only passenger lost in thought. 小船孤独地在海洋上漂荡,的乘客陷入了沉思。

